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Truth Still Matters App!!!!
It is finally here! The Truth Still Matter App gives a practical way of spreading and growing in the Catholic Faith! The essence of the Church is to go out and spread the Gospel, which is the only source of hope in this world of darkness. It is available in the App...
Dr. Monica Mouton Sanders | Truth Still Matters Episode # 12
This episode is dedicated to my late wife, Dr. Monica Mouton Sanders. She passed away Feb. 13,2014 @ 4:10 P.M. from cancer at 39 years of age. We have four daughters all under the age of 9. I got through this show but it was tough! Please pray for us!!! ...
Sanders Benefit For Educational Funds
Our Brother Rice community is hosting a fundraiser in order to help Hubert with his daughters' education expenses. The fundraiser is Sunday, March 23 from 2:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. with the doors opening at 1:30 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door. A flyer is...
Freedom? (Abortion and Civil Rights Movement)
Is it a coincidence that this month we remember Martin Luther King, Jr., the court case Roe vs. Wade, and the anniversary of the swearing-in of the President Barack Obama? I believe God is showing us that there is much work to be done. The “Dream” of King spoke of...
When Hope Was Born (Christmas)| Truth Still Matters Episode #11
At Christmas time as a theology instructor, I always get the question about the dating of Jesus' birth. This vodcast will deal with the year of Jesus' birth. Christ's identity will also be explored given that the dogma of the Incarnation is central to Christmas....
The Immaculate Conception | Truth Still Matters Episode #10
Remember to leave a comment. The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is a truth revealed by God and defined by His Mystical Body, the Church. Often times, the Virginal Conception of Jesus gets labeled the Immaculate Conception. The Immaculate Conception...
Born Again? | Truth Still Matters Episode #9
Have you ever been asked the question, "Are you born again?" Being born again is essential to being a Christian, but the phrase must be properly understood. Many Christians label being "born again" as an adult experience where...
Make a Decision! | Truth Still Matters Episode #8
Jesus Christ is the most influential and dominant person in world history. People often forget that Jesus was also a very controversial figure. The controversy came from a true understanding of his claims. Jesus claimed to be God! Today in the 21st century, Jesus...
Reading the Bible like the Early Christians | Truth Still Matters Episode #7
As Christians, we sometimes focus all of our attention on the New Testament given that Christ is explicitly revealed there. This one-sided approach to the Sacred Scripture does us a great disservice. St. Augustine, a North African Church Father, informs us that...
Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering? Truth Still Matters Episode #6
If God is all good and all-powerful, why is there still evil and suffering in the world? This question has stirred the minds of all human beings. This vodcast takes a look at this perennial question. During our exploration, we will grow in our understanding of...
Can You Hear His Voice? | Truth Still Matters Episode #4
Can you hear the voice of The Lord? This is the voice of goodness, truth, and beauty. This is the voice of eternal life, the only satisfying reality. To hear that voice is to experience the answer to every real question. Jesus is still alive and has left a way to...
Truth is Personal (literally!) Truth Still Matters Episode #3
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI spoke of this current Western culture as a "dictatorship of relativism". When everything is reduced to an opinion or preference, our dignity as human beings is effectively lowered. As humans, we crave the truth and nothing else will...
Techno Theology!
If you love technology and the ability to grow in your faith, Verbum is a no brainer! Verbum is the Catholic version of the long-standing Logos Bible Software. I've been an owner of Logos Bible Software for the longest now. I've had to be very selective in the past...
Sanctity of Marriage – Under Crisis Part 3
Divine institution of marriage One way, which also has an intrinsic value, in which we might come to live and love in the Blessed Trinity is through a partner[1] in the covenant of marriage. “ ‘The intimate community of life and love which constitutes the...
Hello from Steve Ray!
Steve Ray, a world renown apologist and friend, has given us a word of encouragement. I know my students will get a kick out of this. Steve Ray's DVDs "The Footprints of God" have been a great resource for teaching the Catholic faith and I will continue to use them....
The Compassion of God | Episode #2 of Truth Still Matters
God loves us so much. Let that truth sink in! If you need a "pick me up", listen to this message on the compassion of God. Is there a link between suffering and compassion? This podcast will answer that question and a whole host of others. The fullness of God's...
Sanctity of Marriage – Under Crisis (Part 2)
Who is God? Gods existence in the generic sense of the eternal all-powerful Deity can be known, though not clearly, through the perception of created realities (Rom 1: 19-20, Wis 13: 1-9). On the contrary, Gods intimate identity is unapproachable...
Sanctity of Marriage – Under Crisis
A proper understanding of marriage is crucial in this post-modern era. Too often marriage is treated as simply a human institution that involves a contract between two people who would like to be together on their own terms. Once these private terms are not...
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