Before the beginning of time, God had the Church in mind as the means through which He would reconcile humanity back to Himself. The Church is the seed of the Kingdom on earth. Jesus gave His Church four marks or signs that we might be able to discover her in the twenty first century. The four marks are One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. These marks are presented in rapid fire succession (13min including intro and song). Hold on to your seat-belts as we journey through the process of identifying the Church.
Trailer for Truth Still Matters!

Steve Ray
Hey Brother Hubert:
That trailer was very fast-paced, colorful, attractive and “coming right at you.” Yes, nice job. I hope it attracts people to the quality of you and your ministry. Keep up the good work!!

Fr. Jay Finelli
Wow, really well done! Very professional. Love it.

Another G-R-E-A-T video Mr. Sanders!
God Bless you for your enthusiasm and love of God’s True Church! We need more like you!
Thank you so much!
Great job Mr. Sanders. The video quality gets better every time and this topic was very powerful. Thank you for making these videos.
Thanks Brandon!
i like how you connected the song to your podcast. Matches perfectly. You are extremely gifted and make a great apologetic and theology instructor. Keep up the amazing work. You make this video interesting and fun because of your personality and sense of humor.
Thank you, Ashurina.