Lent is all about purification that our love for the Lord might deepened and animated by the Holy Spirit. Christianity should be a life changing encounter with Jesus which results in an adventure and not just behavior modification. The talk portion of this vodcast was originally aired on the Catholic Television Network of Detroit. It was truly a joy giving this talk in the TV studio. The entire interview can be viewed here: http://youtu.be/jOMRKdJrs-0
I ask you to share this vodcast with a loved one!
Trailer for Truth Still Matters!

Steve Ray
Hey Brother Hubert:
That trailer was very fast-paced, colorful, attractive and “coming right at you.” Yes, nice job. I hope it attracts people to the quality of you and your ministry. Keep up the good work!!

Fr. Jay Finelli
Wow, really well done! Very professional. Love it.

This video was very eye opening and clarifying. Before I sort of know what Lent was, and sort of know why we fast and give alms. after watching this, I totally understand the meaning of Lent.
I completely agree. I didnt really understand alms giving like you. This video helped explain this as well as many other topics. I also feel like I understand lent on a deeper level. I will keep this video in mind as we go through this lent season.