Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI spoke of this current Western culture as a “dictatorship of relativism”. When everything is reduced to an opinion or preference, our dignity as human beings is effectively lowered. As humans, we crave the truth and nothing else will satisfy. Every human person is made in the image of God destined to receive the Truth. We do not create the truth through our belief. Our belief receives that which already true or false. The whole “I’m okay you’re okay” culture has eroded the foundation of objective truth. There is an answer to this culture of darkness and confusion. This answer is not just a clever proposition but a Person! Please watch the following episode of Truth Still Matters, take the quiz, and leave a review on the page!

Wow! What an important and well presented message. I recall how the message of “truth” and the crisis of “relativism” brought me to a critical point of discernment as a student in graduate school. So many students, both young and old, desire that very truth, yet are so distracted by the rhetoric of relativism in many institutions of “higher learning” today. Bravo for such a passionate and much needed presentation of the truth– as revealed by our Lord, Himself!
Blessings on you and your ministry,
Monica Sanders (aka “Dr. Mom”)